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When is the last time you went all in?

Writer's picture: Jennifer ThompsonJennifer Thompson

They say a picture is worth a thousand words ...

As my husband attempted to take a photo of my little guy and I, an elderly couple approached behind me holding hands. I apologized for being in the way. The old man shot me a grin and said, "That photo will last longer than we ever will, honey. Take your time."

As I coaxed my little guy into the water, he hesitated. He looked to me for approval; for safety. And so I did what any mom would do in that moment, I carried him. I wanted him to know no fear. To feel the rush of the cold water hit his toes. To live bravely and carefree. To experience life to the fullest degree.

And, it got me thinking. How many times do we do the same thing? How many times are we right there. We're on the edge, and then what do we do? We hesitate. We worry. We think of a million reasons why we shouldn't. We get fearful. What will people think? What if I fail? I don't like the way I look I'll just sit on the side. I won't get in. What if I can't juggle it all? I'm not good enough. The list goes on and on.

But sis, we've got to stop. We have to stop focusing and sitting in the weight of it all and start going all in.

When is the last time you did something good for your soul? To center yourself and refuel. When Is the last time you chased a dream or set out to do something without hesitation?

I know life gets in the way. I know there are curve balls and mountains. I know motherhood is about sacrifices and detours, but you've got to stop living in increments of moments and hours and start living every single day of your life.

Because time? It's not infinite like I used to think it was. It's not an endless line of possibilities. I realize now, like that old man that time is more abstract and less forgiving. It's concrete. Finite.

And that photo? It tells a story. It tells a story of how you lived. When your kiddos look back at those photos what will they remember? Will they remember a mama who lived life to the fullest? A woman who wasn't afraid to go all in. Or will they remember remember a mama who was so focused and so weighed down by the things around you that you couldn't see the joy right in front of you.

Sister, you've got to stop waiting for things to happen - for things to come to you. Stop doubting yourself. Stop holding out for the perfect time or for the perfect place because you're never going to find it.

Do you know why? Because the perfect time - it's NOW.

You're right there, sis. You're on the crest of it. You've got your feet in the water, but you're scared to jump. What are you waiting for? Dive in.

That dream that's been floating around in your head - do it.

That vacation you've been wanting to take, but you've made a thousand excuses why you shouldn't - book it.

That weight that you want to get off - no time like the present.

That job you've been eyeing, but keep telling yourself you're not qualified - you are.

We all have goals. Maybe you wrote them down someplace or maybe they are tucked away in a back corner of your mind, but they are there. Find them and then ask yourself -

If not, now: When?

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