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Jennifer Thompson
Nov 11, 20193 min read
Stop telling yourself you can't when you can.
The word failure rings in our head, but sis it's time to put it down. Stop looking over at her paper and keep your eyes on your own.
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Jennifer Thompson
Nov 11, 20192 min read
That hard thing - it will not break you.
I know you are tired. I know sometimes you want to give in, but life isn't lived waiting in the beauty. It's lived by rising from the ashes.
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Jennifer Thompson
Nov 11, 20193 min read
Put down the guilt and see yourself for everything you ARE.
Reality? We all doubt ourselves, but never doubt who you are. Never bend yourself backwards to fit someone else's ideal.
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Jennifer Thompson
Sep 21, 20193 min read
When is the last time you went all in?
They say a picture is worth a thousand words ... As my husband attempted to take a photo of my little guy and I, an elderly couple...
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Jennifer Thompson
Sep 21, 20192 min read
It takes two minutes to impact someone's life.
Sister, it's time for a movement. A cultural shift. A paradigm. And it's going to take all of us. It has become far too easy to hide...
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Jennifer Thompson
Sep 21, 20192 min read
That mama you're comparing yourself to: She's not doing it better.
Sister lean in for a second. Can I tell you something? Sometimes I get caught up in it. The lies. The feelings of inadequacy and self...
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Jennifer Thompson
Aug 26, 20193 min read
To the mama in the thick of it - You're not failing.
Today, I lost it. The mental load of motherhood broke me. Finito. Buh-bye. GONE. I could feel my nerves fraying at the seams as my...
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Jennifer Thompson
Aug 1, 20193 min read
Life isn’t meant to be a blur, mama—I’m throwing up the white flag.
I keep telling myself 'today is the day.' Today is the day that I'm going to get it together. I'm going to workout more, eat healthier....
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Jennifer Thompson
Jul 28, 20192 min read
Stop telling yourself 'I'm not,' and replace it with 'I am.'
They tell us ... Be strong, but not assertive. Be confident, but not arrogant. Be successful, but never boastful. Be a leader, but not...
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Jennifer Thompson
Jul 28, 20193 min read
Mama, be who you were made to be, not who others want you to be.
I'm not everyone's cup of tea. I'm too much for some people. Too loud; too outspoken. I talk too much. I voice my opinions far too often...
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Jennifer Thompson
Jul 7, 20193 min read
None of us have it altogether, Mama, so stop comparing.
Sister, that "perfect" mom, she's a myth. The one you're comparing yourself to? She doesn't have it altogether either, she might just be...
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Jennifer Thompson
Jun 15, 20193 min read
You're more than "Good enough" Mama - You're "Good" plain and simple.
I missed the mark today and not by a little, I'm talking a lot. Today, the tired set in and the frustration came out and with it came the...
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Jennifer Thompson
Jun 10, 20192 min read
The beauty of motherhood lies in ordinary, in-between moments.
When was the last time you laughed? Like REALLY laughed. The kind that comes from the depths of your belly. That makes you short of...
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Jennifer Thompson
Jun 9, 20193 min read
I'm taking back my joy and you should too, Mama.
I hit my threshold the other day. You know the one I'm talking about. The one where you aren't quite sure if you want to laugh or cry. I...
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Jennifer Thompson
Jun 9, 20192 min read
My baby, people will give you a thousand reasons to carry hate - love them anyway.
Sometimes in the most ordinary moments I catch myself looking at you in wonder. I want to freeze time. To imprint this very moment on my...
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Jennifer Thompson
May 31, 20193 min read
Your worth isn't defined by others expectations, Mama, so let the guilt go.
Sister. I am calling it. Enough. The guilt. The pressure. The unrealistic expectations. The negative talk. It has to stop. WE have to...
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Jennifer Thompson
May 22, 20192 min read
Here’s to the women who give it their all - you’re everything this world needs.
Here's to the women. To the SAHM who never gets a break. The mama knee deep in toys, chaos and laundry. To the mama whose day is spent...
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Jennifer Thompson
May 8, 20192 min read
I'm done chasing perfection and you should be too, mama.
I had a whole list of "I would's" before I became a mama. I would never lose my temper. I would be organized. I would meal plan. I would...
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Jennifer Thompson
May 8, 20192 min read
I hope I loved you enough today.
As you lay sleeping in your bed, the weight of today lifts from my shoulders. The struggles of the day are quickly forgotten and I find...
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Jennifer Thompson
May 8, 20192 min read
We can learn from our littles, mama.
Tod•dler noun. Master procrastinator. Emotional. Fierce loyalty. Adorable human. Givers of love. Independent. Your favorite new phrase?...
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